Why would you need to fix an unbroken vehicle or a vehicle in its right functions? Why would you need to save a sheep walking in the green grass when there is no horror of any kind? For some time we don’t see the need to be fixed except broken. Even some men today see the symptom of a breaking vehicle and refuses to fix it, they say, “it’s still moving”, and so there wait until it crashes before it gets through to them that it needs fixing.

God is interested in the broken heart and in that he said in Psalm 51:17b “A broken spirit and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise” this is because he fixes them best. This sincerely is the only way our greatest psalmist (David) has gained a kingdom with God that despite his awful deeds, God could not just bare to turn his eyes away from him. He always comes back to say “Lord am sorry, am broken, fix me” He is a potter and we all clay, we look at ourselves and we admire what is made of us, the potter our maker comes to us and request to make us into something better, something stronger, and something more useful. But we often say. We’re still moving, we like the way we are, we are not ready to give up the little we’ve obtained. And on and on. But if we be broken, in need of someone to fix us, to work on us, to make us better, we would wholeheartedly and willingly throw ourselves in the hands of him that requests to fix us.

When at the wedding, all angles were tested and there was nothing else left to do that was not done. Mary (Jesus’ mother) was left with no choice other than  to tell the servants,” whatsoever he tells you to do, do it”. The blind man who met Jesus asked him if he could heal him, Jesus made clay, rubbed on his eyes, he then told him, “go wash” and he was soon on his way. A broken heart is ready to do anything, go any length and spend all earned to be fixed, but we are not ready to be made better, stronger to avoid breaking down. This mostly is because as vessels we had stored so many items that we are not ready to loose of which we would loose anyway if we refuse to be made better.

Why I picked this topic is because there are two critical things involved, there is a breaking time coming, and it is either we are broken and waiting or we sure are waiting to be broken. A man who goes to the presence of the Lord and throws himself at the feet of mercy and asks for forgiveness has realized that of himself he is nothing and can do nothing but pleads for God to make the best of this nothing(himself) to his glory. But there come a time were all arrogant, self-satisfied and self-righteous men would surely be broken by the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels, then all men that refuses to be broken of themselves and recognize God as their Lord and savior would be broken by this eternal destruction.

Some attributes of a broken man are:

B-Bendable: can be influenced by his word

R-Ready: Ready to follow every given word

O-Obedient: obeying at every command

K-Kin to listen: carefully listening for every detail

E-Expectant: expectant for results both in his life and environment

N-Near: drawing nearer each day to the master potter.

When you fall on God, you may break few bones. But when God falls on you, you will be crushed.

Can you survive the wrath of the master or would you rather master his word?
Would you wait until your time here is up, or would you rather sail with him in glory?
Would you rather endure your peer’s pressure to enjoy heavens pleasure?



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